
QT Theme

When pps like Qbittorrent and VLC start to look weird. That means there's either something wrong with the theme. Or QT isn't getting the theme in full form. There are times when QT4 apps inherit GTK themes but QT5 apps don't.

Use this workaround;

sudo apt install qt5-style-plugins

Then run either of these

# support for current user
echo "export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2" >> ~/.profile
# support systemwide
sudo sh -c "echo 'export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2' >> /etc/environment

Finally reboot. Source (opens in a new tab)

Dock App Bindings

To unbind the ++Super+number++ shortcuts from opening the dock apps you can run;

for i in {1..9}; do gsettings set switch-to-application-$i "[]";done

To revert this;

for i in {1..9}; do gsettings set switch-to-application-$i "['<Super>$i']";done

Source (opens in a new tab)

Three Empty Files

On Manjaro Gnome, if there are files like Empty Bash, Empty Desktop and Empty File on at ~. That means gnome's default usr/bin/create-template is running. Because of it, even if you delete the files. The program recreates them everytime you log back in.

To stop running it, run Tweaks click Startup Applications then remove create-template from the list.

Shortcuts / Launchers

App launchers shown in GNOME Activities are located either in /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/share/applications/ as .desktop files.

You can hide an individual app launcher from Activities by adding an extra NoDisplay=true line to the corresponding .desktop file.

It is generally not advisable to edit the .desktop file located in /usr/share/applications/. Instead copy the file to ~/.local/share/applications/ first and make the change to the copied file.

Source (opens in a new tab)